
Demo | GitHub

TwittMap is Assignment 1 for COMS 6998-Cloud Computing and Big Data. It shows tweets on Google Maps and allows users to filter tweets by keywords or geo distance. Tweepy is used to stream treal-time tweets with selected keywords into AWS ElasticSearch.

Previously, the Flask back-end server was used to serve static files and to make ElasticSearch queries for clients. In v2.0, I moved the ElasticSearch querying functionality to client side, and now a back-end server is no longer necessary.



  • Stream real-time tweet with selected keywords into AWS Elastic Search

    • Usage: python
  • static/index.html: The homepage html file of this project

  • static/javascript/script.js: Javascript file to manipulate with Google Map api

  • (Depreciated) Flask Server to search tweets in Elastic Search and serve /static/ files -> better use other servers.

Environment Variables

Please set up your environment variables before streaming tweets to ElasticSearch with

  • twitt_api_key: Consumer Key (API Key)
  • twitt_api_secret: Consumer Secret (API Secret)
  • twitt_token_key: Access Token
  • twitt_token_secret: Access Token Secret
  • es_host: Elasticsearch Host Address
  • aws_region: AWS Elasticsearch Region
  • aws_key: AWS User Access key ID (Not needed if your Elasticsearch server allows public write access)
  • aws_secret: AWS User Access key Secret Token (Not needed if your Elasticsearch server allows public write access)